Analysis, registration and statements filed with the Sisbacen in full compliance
Compliance with the Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen) is key to establishing and maintaining a successful business in Brazil. Companies receiving foreign investment and Brazilian companies that keep investments overseas must comply with the requirements related to the provision of financial information.
Ensure that those requirements are complied with and that deadlines are met by leaving the preparation and submission of records and statements under the care of DPC's dedicated team.
Sisbacen records and statements
At the end of 2022, the Central Bank of Brazil changed the rules governing the provision of information on foreign capital, foreign credit transactions and foreign direct investment. DPC works with the latest rules in mind, ensuring that all records and statements are properly filled out and submitted to the agency.
System for Provision of Information on Foreign Direct Investment (SCE-IED) / Foreign Direct Investment Electronic Statement (RDE-IED)
All foreign investments in the country must be registered at Sisbacen (Central Bank Information System), including the repatriation of foreign currency capital invested in Brazil.
Periodic Statements / Economic-Financial Statement (DEF) / Census of Foreign Capital
Brazilian companies that receive foreign direct investment from non-residents must supply information to the Central Bank by filing periodic statements (on a quarterly, annual or five-year basis), based on the volume of their assets.
System for Provision of Foreign Capital Information – Foreign Credit (SCE-Crédito) / Financial Transactions Report (RDE-ROF)
Registration of financial transactions that resulted in earnings overseas, whether from financing, loans, imports etc, for the purpose of foreign exchange settlement.
Statement of Brazilian Capital Abroad (CBE)
Statements of Brazilian Capital Abroad can be filed on a quarterly or annual basis, depending on the volume of assets held by the company or individual based overseas.

Check out Sisbacen-related services that DPC offers to your company:
- Maintenance and registration in the System for Provision of Information on Foreign Direct Investment (SCE-IED) / Electronic Foreign Direct Investment Statement ("RDE-IED").
- Preparation and submission of Periodic Statements / Economic-Financial Statements (DEF) / Census of Foreign Capital in Brazil.
- Analysis and records in the System for Foreign Capital Information - Foreign Credit (SCE-Crédito) / Reports of Financial Transactions (RDE-ROF).
- Preparation and submission of Statements of Brazilian Capital Abroad (CBE).
Are you interested?
Please, contact us so we can understand your demand and offer the best solution for you and your company.
Rio de Janeiro
Av. Rio Branco 311, 4º e 10º andar - Centro
CEP 20040-903 | Tel: +55 (21) 3231-3700
São Paulo
Rua do Paraíso 45, 4º andar - Paraíso
CEP 04103-000 | Tel: +55 (11) 3330-3330
Rua Teixeira de Gouveia 989, sala 302 - Centro
CEP 27910-110 | Tel: +55 (21) 3231-3700