Your company in good standing at the federal, state and local levels
Business compliance, licensing and digital certificates
The paralegal department provides all the necessary registration documents for setting up businesses, changing corporate structure or dissolving companies to ensure business compliance with government authorities at the local, state or federal levels.
Other services under the responsibility of this department include obtaining and maintaining debt clearance certificates with federal, state or local authorities and assisting in the issuance or renewal of digital certificates.
Business compliance
Set-up and registration of companies:
- Preliminary survey of corporate name with the Board of Trade/Registry of Companies and Notary Offices.
- Registration with the Board of Trade, Registry of Companies (RCPJ), Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) and Notary Offices (articles of incorporation, change of address, corporate name, business activity or opening of branches).
- Taxpayer Registration or Amendment at Federal Revenue of Brazil (CNPJ).
- Taxpayer registration or amendment with State Treasury Offices (ICMS).
- Taxpayer registration or amendment with Municipal Treasury Offices (ISS - Business Permit).
- Taxpayer registration or amendment with Social Security Offices (INSS).
- Registration with Caixa Econômica Federal Bank (Severance Indemnity Fund for Employees - FGTS).
- Acquisition or amendments of sanitary permits (granted by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency - Anvisa).
- Acquisition or amendments of Fire Department Permits.
- Accreditation in the RADAR system (Registration and Tracking Environment for Customs Agents).
Corporate compliance, which include the issuance of certificates of discharge / filing of documents / and registration with councils, such as:
- CRA – Regional Council of Administration.
- CREA – Regional Council of Engineering and Architecture.
- CORE – Regional Council of Trade Representatives.
- CRM – State Regional Council of Medicine.
- OAB – Brazilian Bar Association.
Business incorporation or dissolution:
- Filing of articles of dissolution and cancellation or incorporation of parent or subsidiary companies with the Board of Trade or Corporate Registry.
- Federal Revenue Office (CNPJ).
- State Finance Secretariat (ICMS).
- Municipal Treasury Office (ISS / location permits for businesses).
- Caixa Econômica Federal Bank (FGTS).
- Employer Associations.
Debt Certificates
Certificates: acquisition and maintenance of several types for various purposes:
- Certificates of Overdue Federal Tax Liabilities.
- Social Security Debit Certificate.
- FGTS Certificate.
- State Tax Certificate.
- Municipal Tax Certificate.
- Certificate of Ongoing Civil Proceedings.
- Certificate of Ongoing Criminal Proceedings.
- Survey and waiver of protests.
- Certificate of Federal Court Proceedings.
- Certificate of Labor Court Proceedings.
- Certificates issued by the Board of Trade and Corporate Registry.
- Certificates issued by representative councils and others.
Digital Certificates - Issuance or Renewal
Digital Certification:
- e-CNPJ
- e-CPF
- NF-e
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Av. Rio Branco 311, 4º e 10º andar - Centro
CEP 20040-903 | Tel: +55 (21) 3231-3700
São Paulo
Rua do Paraíso 45, 4º andar - Paraíso
CEP 04103-000 | Tel: +55 (11) 3330-3330
Rua Teixeira de Gouveia 989, sala 302 - Centro
CEP 27910-110 | Tel: +55 (21) 3231-3700