MP 899 – Renegotiation of tax debts with the Federal Government
25/11/2019SEFAZ-RJ publishes resolutions that require special attention
Automation of processes leads to greater agility and reliability to operations
New technologies have been influencing companies' financial and tax management.
William Pinho
If the government itself is increasingly using computerized processes for crosschecking fiscal and tax data and information, the taxpayer must also rely on technology to meet this level of demand.
The tax complexity in Brazil also imposes the review and modernization of processes so that companies are able to comply with all legal standards. Hence, the need to use technological solutions to make routine easier by reducing the uptime of a number of tasks that this bureaucracy generates.
At Domingues and Pinho Contadores (DPC), process automation, the use of market software and the development of its own technological solutions are resources that are added to the professionals' technical experience to ensure excellence in the services provided.
In practice, this yields the following benefits:
Technology Solutions to Provide Better Results to the Clients
As a differential, DPC has a team dedicated to optimization of processes that studies the demands of the accounting, tax, personal and financial areas to not only search the market for the most modern and appropriate tools, but also to develop complementary solutions.
Another plus point is that DPC leverages an industry leading data center that enables permanent data availability with complete control and security while ensuring the responsiveness that customers demand.
Among the features used by DPC, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been generating a number of optimizations, with a direct impact on increased productivity and efficiency.
With RPA, a certain process with repetitive tasks is performed by an automated routine.
In addition to the use of RPA, for simpler processes, the use of automated spreadsheets using macros are solutions used. For increasingly complex processes, DPC empowers its team and encourages the use of more modern programming languages, creating an environment conducive to the emergence of artificial intelligence.
Your company's finances under control
In the financial management, process automation has brought speed, efficiency, and reliability.
The use of a Value Added Network (VAN) in combination with an RPA developed by the internal team has enabled the complete automation of clients' payment cycles.
The VAN establishes an ATM communication (all banking institutions with which clients have a relationship) with the ERP used by the DPC, keeping the attention to the rules set by the client for authorization of payments.
While VAN facilitates interface with banks for electronic data exchange, the automation process developed at DPC bridges the gap between VAN and ERP. This enables quickly tracking all payables and bank flows, intelligently and securely.
In practical terms, the solution allows for an automated flow of operations that involves making the payment, immediate bank withdrawal, communication of payment to the ERP, with automatic receipt separately the proof of payments from each client. The cycle closes with accounting record of the payment at ERP.
The information is concentrated in a single platform, which gives a view of the whole and simplifies the financial management, ensuring the reliability of the data delivered. The approval process was improved in terms of speed, respecting all the rules set by the client concerning the levels of authority.
Efficient and secure tax management
With the RPA, you gain in agility to generate and transmit accessory reports and the calculation of taxes.
It is possible to schedule extraction of information at websites of tax pending consultation, the eSocial platform, and even the transfer of files between systems and their transmission to the DCTF program, for example, actions DPC already takes.
Another advantage is the use of a digital certificate installed at the server and assigned to a "robot", maintaining the protection of the company's electronic identity, in a very secure and impersonal way.
More technology, more strategy
The continuous investment in technology and people has enabled DPC to improve the management of its contracts and processes, with positive consequences for all its customers.
By automating repetitive and predictable tasks, there is a redefinition of the role of financial, accounting and taxes and personnel professionals who are now viewed from a new perspective.
With the internal improvement brought by this movement, the client gains the greater availability of the consultative team, freed for a personalized and strategic service, based on reliable and quickly obtained information.
How DPC may help your company?
Domingues e Pinho Contadores has specialized team ready to assist your company.
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