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Provisional Measures 1045 and 1046: DPC webinar presents practical aspects and impacts of new labor measures
Domingues e Pinho Contadores promoted, on May 10, the free webinar "Provisional Measures 1045 and 1046: practical aspects and impacts of new labor measures”. The online event was presented by Leonardo Bezerra and Luciana Lupinucci, DPC partners and heads of the labor and social security center in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, respectively.
The experts commented on the impacts and main points of the measures, bringing practical aspects that clarify each topic.
The Provisional Measures were recently recreated by the government to support employers, preserve jobs and reduce the social impact resulted from Covid-19, as was the case in 2020.
Knowing the rules and possibilities of these new measures helps employers make assertive decisions to face the crisis.
Provisional Measure 1045 (MP 1045) authorizes wage and workload reduction and contract suspension. MP 1046, on the other hand, loosens labor rules, allowing the anticipation of holidays, postponement of Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) contribution, among other actions. The measures, which are valid for 120 days, present rules that should be noted.
To understand the procedures to apply the measures, watch the webinar recording:
(portuguese only)

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Rua do Paraíso 45, 4º andar - Paraíso
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