It is important to keep monitoring and organizing the documents related to the operations to be registered in Siscoserv.
Prior assessment of tax aspects and obligations contributes to the success of transactions.
Even the expectations not being met, the oil and gas area once again records activity, which should generate new flows and chain activation in producing areas.
<h1>Siscoserv – Amendment of Annexes I and II of the NBS and the NEBS version 2.0 </h1> <br /> <p><a href=”http://www.in.gov.br/materia/-/asset_publisher/Kujrw0TZC2Mb/content/id/56129065/do1-2018-12-20-portaria-conjunta-n-2-000-de-18-de-dezembro-de-2018-56128787″>RFB/SCS Joint Ordinance 2000, of Dec-18-2018 […]
The Cosit Consultation Solution 81, provides clarification on the registration in Siscoserv in cases of acquisition of international cargo transportation service in which there is the cargo consolidation operation and, consequently, the issuance of two cargo knowledgement, namely, the "generic or master" and the "aggregate, house or cub".
On April 10, 2018, RFB Normative Instruction No. 1803/2018 was published, amending the RFB Normative Instruction No. 1277/2012, establishing the Integrated Foreign Trade in Services, Intangibles and Other Operations that Produce Changes in Equity - Siscoserv.
Siscoserv is a computerized system developed to record information of marketing services operations, intangible and other operations that produce variations in entities’ equity of resident or domiciled abroad, among which the export and import operations services.