FGTS – Debitment of Contributions Due to FGTS
10/10/2019CAGED and RAIS will be replaced by eSocial in 2020
General Data Protection Act is regulated
The Decree 10,046/2019, published on Oct-10-2019, establishes the data sharing policy in the federal public administration and creates the Register Citizen Base and Data Governance Central Committee.
The standard is addressed to all entities of the direct, municipal and foundational federal public administration, in addition to the other Powers of the Union and follows the guidelines of the Law 13709/2018, now called the General Law on Personal Data Protection (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais - “LGPD”).
The data sharing policy will have the following purposes:
a) simplify the provision of public services;
b) guide and optimize the formulation, deployment, evaluation and monitoring of public policies;
c) make the analysis of the access and maintenance conditions of social and tax benefits possible;
d) promote the improvement of the quality and reliability of data held by the federal public administration; and
e) increase the quality and efficiency of internal operations of the federal public administration.
Three levels of sharing are foreseen - broad, restricted and specific, thus defined according to the confidentiality of the data. The Decree 10,046/2019 also provides for the use of centralized platforms for data sharing, whose purpose is to safely simplify the access through common technological infrastructures.
It is a unified means of identifying citizens for the provision of public services, operating from the crosschecking at the registration database, based on the citizen's CPF number.
Initially, the biographical data contained in the CPF base will be made available, but later added by others, from thematic bases, through the CPF registration number, a key feature for the unequivocal consolidation of biographical, biometric and cadastral details.
Data Governance Central Committee
Among other tasks, it is responsible for deciding on the guidelines and guidelines for the categorization of broad, restricted and specific data sharing.
The collegiate agency will also be responsible for the form and means of publication of this categorization, respecting the relevant legislation regarding the protection of personal data and the rules and parameters for restricted sharing, including standards regarding the preservation of confidentiality and security.
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