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Robotic automation: 5 Q&As about Robot Security
Robotic process automation and security go hand in hand in the protection of business data
Businesses have increasingly been automating processes to optimize their performance. However, some managers are still reluctant to implement this technology as they are unsure of the safety of deploying and operating software robots.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a way of doing away with manual and repetitive tasks, speeding up a company’s daily routine. With the development of automated systems, robots can perform operational tasks that would otherwise jeopardize the team's time.
Read more:
- Robotic automation: get to know the potentials to boost productivity
- Operational efficiency: 5 essential tips for automizing your business
RPA provides for countless possibilities and entails several benefits. But what is the relationship between robotic automation and business security? Check out a few Q&As on the subject below:
1. Does the deployment of software robots expose the company to security breaches?
As with anything, precautions should be taken. Security should be a primary concern when it comes to deploying any new technology, not only in the case of software robots. Therefore, RPA solutions should be developed with a certain level of technical rigor in mind, in conjunction with a partner that also operates with the underlying assumption that business security is non-negotiable.
2. What precautions should be taken to preserve security?
To ensure that bots are deployed in a safely manner, attention should be paid to a few aspects. DPC’s Labtech – Laboratory for Innovation and Technology Development, which designs and provides support for process automation, adopts a number of best practices in this regard, which include:
- bots hosted in cloud-based high performance servers, protected against unauthorized access;
- servers monitored and protected twenty-four seven against communication failures, server crashes and cybersecurity risks;
- encrypted environment;
- blocking of remote access;
- compliance with the terms of access set by the client;
- precautionary measures ensuring that the bots are able to resume their operations as quickly as possible should any malfunction occur;
- creation of a specific user for the bots to operate (for security and traceability purposes, once the tasks that will be performed have been defined).
3. Can robotic automation add to the security of a company's processes?
Yes. RPA has a lot to contribute in terms of information security for any company, provided that the process is deployed with the proper protection measures in place.
As a matter of fact, when a bot is deployed to collect and transfer sensitive data across different systems, the odds of information leakage due to human error are eliminated. When the company reduces the number of people handling information, the risks associated with those touchpoints are reduced as well.
4. How does RPA boost security?
A robot system is developed to follow pre-set rules, performing each step at a fixed time. The software robot is thus able to automatically perform a business process in a standardized way.
Tasks are carried out with efficient security measures in mind to protect against unauthorized access. Putting bots in charge of those tasks helps with preserving credentials, identity management, and privacy requirements.
5. What are the benefits of RPA in terms of data security?
Software robots contribute, by and large, to protecting the data of clients, suppliers and workers, information pertaining to financial and labor management, etc.
Bots reduce the risk of information leakage to a bare minimum, providing great relief for companies, especially in today’s time, when data protection policies are strictly enforced.
Optimize processes safely
The Labtech staff at Domingues e Pinho Contadores is in charge of developing and deploying RPA bots. You can rely on our team to automate repetitive tasks and boost productivity through technological solutions that preserve business security. Contact us at: dpc@dpc.com.br.
How DPC may help your company?
Domingues e Pinho Contadores has specialized team ready to assist your company.
Contact us by the e-mail dpc@dpc.com.br
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