DPC apoia: Generation of Income, inclusion and citizenship to transform lives
02/08/2019Occupational Safety and Health – Regulatory Standard 1
SEFAZ-SP advances in GIA Elimination Project
The São Paulo State Finance and Planning Secretariat (Secretaria da Fazenda e Planejamento do Estado de São Paulo - “SEFAZ-SP”), on August 1, included more taxpayers to the GIA Elimination Project.
According to SEFAZ-SP, at this new stage, 35,000 taxpayers will be notified through the Taxpayer’s Electronic Domicile (Domicílio Eletrônico do Contribuinte - “DEC”) of their inclusion in the project transition phase, created to exempt the taxpayer companies from the Periodic Assessment System (Regime Periódico de Apuração - “RPA”) monthly filing of two similar statements: the ICMS Information and Calculation Form (Guia de Informação e Apuração do ICMS - “GIA ICMS”) and the Digital Tax Bookkeeping (Escrituração Fiscal Digital - “EFD”).
However, gradually new groups of companies will be included until only the EFD is required for the ICMS taxpayer base under the RPA, which should occur by the end of 2019.
Taxpayers included in the new system will receive a message via DEC containing information on the transition phase, as well as data on any differences and mismatches that may have been detected by SEFAZ-SP. From the information in EFD, a virtual GIA called "EFD's GIA" will be generated, which will be used as a basis for the correction of differences in the information that was provided by the company.
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