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Accounting network: DPC attends the GBrasil semiannually meeting

On November 28 and 29, Domingues e Pinho Contadores attended the 52nd Meeting GBrasil - Brazil Group of Accounting Companies (Grupo Brasil de Empresas de Contabilidade) in Uberlandia-MG.
The DPC’s CEO, Manuel Domingues e Pinho, and the marketing expert, Luciana Arakaki, represented DPC in this edition.
Semiannually, the event gathers representatives of the 38 companies that make up the accounting network. The proposal is to promote the sharing of experiences among the members, who work in different Brazilian states, each of them with a market reality and service portfolio.
“In addition to having experts transmitting knowledge through lectures, the event is an excellent opportunity for the exchange of experiences between members,” said Manuel Pinho.
The programming highlighted themes related to marketing, innovation and sales, always within the context of business in the accounting area.
The lectures emphasized the importance of the presence of companies in social networks, the adequacy of solutions for each moment of the client’s journey, from capture to loyalty, and issues related to quality of service.
“Being aware of the current consumer profile, whether individual or corporate, understanding their needs and offering tailored solutions at every moment is critical to add value to the client, being truly relevant to their business,” commented Luciana Arakaki after attending exhibitions of ideas.

How DPC may help your company?
Domingues e Pinho Contadores has specialized team ready to assist your company.
Contact us by the e-mail dpc@dpc.com.br
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